BLACK GOLD, Our Finest Organic Topsoil

       Our Black Gold Compost soil is produced by mixing finely screened leaf compost with our standard topsoil and sand to create the basic ingredients for our premium Black Gold Topsoil. This mixture is allowed to compost in piles for up to 1 year. The piles are turned over regularly to aerate the mixture and insure the composting activity is uniform throughout. The final product is fine screened. The resulting mixture is the deepest, richest  organic soil anywhere.
   An all purpose Premium lawn and garden compost topsoil, which is excellent for seeding new lawns or rejuvenating established lawns, top dressing lawns,  flower and vegetable gardens, perennial gardens, backfilling planting wholes, planting berms, and general landscape applications.
   Highly organic, superior mixture of rich natural materials that will improve any soil.
       Improves the moisture holding capacity because organic materials naturally hold water which reduces drought damage.
Improves drainage of soil;
       Organic materials hold water internally but our Premium Black Gold Compost Soil has fine sand added for drainage,  Our organic compost soil does not hold heavy amounts of water between soil particles. Clay and shale soils drain very poorly because they are compacted and water sits between particles, this standing water is not an issue with our Compost Soil, drainage in our soil is excellent. Black Gold Premium Compost Soil will improve the drainage and aeration of clay and shale soils when tilled in.
       Helps restore nutrients and provides essential trace elements needed for plant growth throughout the year. Then slowly releases these naturally occurring nutrients into the soil, which parallels a plant’s ability to take them up. Adds rich, black humus back into the soil for healthier plants.
       Restores the natural color, texture, and structure of soil. Promotes improved aeration for better plant growth and soil structure.
       Retains fertilizers far better than other soils, so that fertilizers are more effective.
       Combats soil borne diseases. Environmentally safe with no chemicals added.
       Black Gold Premium Compost Soil improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of normal soil.

Black Gold Compost Soil
Landscape & Construction Materials
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